



The exact date of the foundation of the Order of Saint Mark’s Knights remains shrouded in mystery: although scholars have demonstrated their interest by carrying out much detailed research at the Venice State Archive, they have not been able to retrace any document mentioning the event of the foundation of the Saint Mark’s Knights Equestrian Order.

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Many years after the fall of the Republic of Venice, when the order became extinct, the idea of the Knights of St. Mark was revived as a movement in 1920 by the gondolier, Pietro Grossi.

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Ognuno di noi ha un ruolo importante, e questo conta. Conta il suo essere Cavaliere di S. Marco nell’intimo. Un vivo ringraziamento ai componenti dell’attuale Consiglio Direttivo, dei Collegi dei Revisori dei Conti e Probiviri per il loro impegno e costante dedizione.

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The board with its volontary oblations and modest funds collected from its members, after having covered all expenses regarding the management of the Association, assigns annual funds by dividing them in parts between charity and social assistance, to those bodies decided upon by the members at the annual assembly.

Everyone with a social commitment carries out his or her role without charge.

Special attention has been dedicated to the disabled and the blind by supplying them with computers suitable for their scolastic needs.

The Romanian hospital in Timinsoara has been supplied with sophisticated equipment, help has also been given to Catholic missionaries in the third world and scholarships have also been awarded.

The link with associations like A.V.I.S and A.I.D.O is ongoing, and help is sought for the kindergarten level and all bodies or centres helping the needy and disabled (like AGAPE, CARITAS, BETANIA).

The Association has also played a major role in restoring works of art, historical newsagencies as well as capitals and stone plaques in Venice.

The most recent intervention has been on the preservation of the four feathers depicting the “Four Evangelists”, work attributed to Antonio Balestra (1666-1734) – found in the ceiling of the old ‘Scuola San Pasquale, adjacent to the church of San Francesco della Vigna – and also on the alterpiece of this church, by Lattanzio Quarena dated 1773, depicting the Madonna and on either side of her St. Pasquale and St. Francesco while at her feet are the souls in Purgatory. The inauguration ceremony took place on 16 December 1995.

The relative minimum annual membership fee of €uros 50,00 (fifty) must be transferred to the Bank current account BNL IBAN IT83 O010 0502 0000 0000 0002 789 swift/bic BNL: BNLIITRR – giving the reason for payment “annual membership fee, inserting the year of reference”, account name: Associazione Cavalieri di San Marco, casella postale 266 – 30124 Venezia, by and no later than the 25th of April of each year. When any money over the minimum fee is paid all the extra money is set aside for help towards the various charities and help we look after.

The use of the Association’s distinguishing features such as the cape and collar and the mere participating at public ceremonies, must never be in contrast to social affinity, above all prior consultation is necessary. No improper use will be tolerated, reminding you that such behaviour will constitute the motive for immediate exclusion as a Member from the Association (art.4 – Statute)
Members who have changed or will change their telephone number, email address or address from which you send correspondence are kindly requested to communicate it to our secretariat by email for organizational matters and in the spirit of collaboration.